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For Parents Welcome to Parents' Resources

For Parents Welcome to Parents' Resources

Learning Skills

How to study and excel

Life Skills

Healthy mind and body

Parenting is both one of the most amazing joyous journeys and also one of the most hair-pulling, frustrating experiences in life, ever. There is no real ‘manual’ for a parent – each child is a completely unique gift. Yet all of us muddle along and try to do our best, raising future members of our society to be their very best selves.

Latest for Parents

Learning Skills

Tips, tricks and information

We are here not to tell you precisely how to do anything, but to suggest and share tips, tricks and information that we have gathered – from direct personal experience and through much reading and research.

Build your child’s confidence, help them learn to manage their emotions and stress and navigate student life. Keep them healthy both mind and body.

We are here to help

We are here to help, support, guide and share – ideas thoughts and experiences – throughout each and every stage of parenting. After all, as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child – we’re here to be your village.

Videos for Parents

Top 5 Tips to Encourage the Reluctant Reader
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10 Simple Things to Do With Kids
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5 Origami Christmas Ornaments
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4 Essential Life Skills Every Child Should Have
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How to Encourage Growth Mindset in Young Children
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Simple Ways to Foster Creativity
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10 Amazing Sensory Games
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10 Things Parents Need to Know
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Lessons on Social Media Awareness
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7 Strategies to Help Kids' Build
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10 Essential Money Lessons for Children
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10 Books to Teach Kids About Racial Diversity
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Enola Holmes
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Top 5 Tips to Encourage the Reluctant Reader
Tips to Get Kids Reading
10 Simple Things to Do With Kids
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10 Simple Things to Do With Kids
Instead of Screen Time
5 Origami Christmas Ornaments
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5 Origami Christmas Ornaments
To Make With Your Kids
4 Essential Life Skills Every Child Should Have
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4 Essential Life Skills Every Child Should Have
By Age 12
How to Encourage Growth Mindset in Young Children
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How to Encourage Growth Mindset in Young Children
6 Ways to Help Them
Simple Ways to Foster Creativity
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Simple Ways to Foster Creativity
In Older Children
10 Amazing Sensory Games
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10 Amazing Sensory Games
To Learn The Alphabets For Pre-schooler
10 Things Parents Need to Know
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10 Things Parents Need to Know
When Raising Teens
Lessons on Social Media Awareness
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Lessons on Social Media Awareness
For Teens, Parents & Teachers
7 Strategies to Help Kids' Build
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7 Strategies to Help Kids' Build
Social Skills
10 Essential Money Lessons for Children
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10 Essential Money Lessons for Children
Start Them Young
10 Books to Teach Kids About Racial Diversity
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10 Books to Teach Kids About Racial Diversity
For Ages 1-8
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